Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Award Winning Bill

Well, I'm very proud of my co-author. In addition to being a great guy, an upstanding citizen and family man, and clever and funny to boot, he's also award-winning. I am pleased to announce that Bill Howe has been awarded the 2011 Simmons Award.

The Battle Creek Chamber of Commerce awards the Harley Simmons award every year as part of its Silent Observer program. Mr. Harley Simmons was treasurer of the Silent Observer committee for many years before his death.The award in his honor is given to the individual who significantly contributed to the safety and security of the citizens of Battle Creek. It recognizes that person's efforts to reduce crime and aid law enforcement in preventing crime.

Bill, based on his decades of fighting crime and educating future crime fighters, certainly qualifies! Here's the article from the local paper about the award ceremony.

Next, here's a photo of Bill giving a thank you speech. Now, one thing you gotta know about Bill is that he's a pretty modest guy. Public recognition is torture for him, so he's probably pretty uncomfortable during this speech. I wouldn't know for sure, because Bill was too modest to invite me to the ceremony, even though I'd told him I wanted to go. Not a spotlight kind of fellow.

He did at least invite his family, so here's a photo of him with his wife and one of his sons. His other son was actively fighting crime at the time and was not able to attend. The Simmons family is also in the photo.

Congrats, Bill! You deserve this.

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